
Running Behind

So, I am a little behind on posting things. I have been busy this week attempting to get Maxie’s graduation announcements and photos ready to be printed.

After having family in and out, I am attempting to get back into the groove. It’s been a long week. Erin was sick all week with a double ear infection. Now she is feeling better but still is feeling the adverse effects of the antibiotics she is taking.

Last week we went mini-golfing with Max. Erin is always swinging around Jared’s putter so we got Erin her own set for Easter (before she swings the real one through the TV.) She loved it and went mini-golfing with us. However, the clubs were made in China (ya for the price but most of the clubs broke within the first few days).

We had Easter Dinner with our friends Brandon and Erin and their extended family. It’s always hard to be away from family over major holidays, but we had a great time. Erin went on her first Easter egg hunt and really got into it. I think she has been on a sugar high all week from the candy.

Erin really misses her Uncle Max. But we’ll be home in under a month.

1 comment:

Kari said...

You know, it is entirely possible that you have the cutest child in the entire world! Erin is ADORABLE. That one of her with the pigtails--makes me want to put her in my pocket and take her home.