
My Amazing Feat of Strength...

So as you can see I am having an extremely productive morning. My Google home page has this "how to" section that changes everyday and its most entertaining. Todays topic was "how to rip a phone book in half" and I decided I want to test my Hulk-like powers and to my amazement I did it ( and not I did not bake it in the oven). It was a smaller phone book, but considering I am seven months pregnant I didn't want to have to explain that I forced preterm labor by attempting to rip the City of Houston phone book in half.

The down side.... I am now without my trusty yellow pages.

Here is the link...give it a try


Tracy Anne said...

seven months already! that's exciting....

p.s. ripping the phone book in half is pretty impressive too. :-)

Brenna said...

That's pretty funny Em. I looked at the directions...maybe I should go try it!???

One Artist a Day said...

i think you are inspiring all of us to unleash our inner hulk. how do you get that feature on your google page?

me said...

nice work!