
Houton Oddities

So I gave up on the book blog, haven’t had much time to sit and read the last few months. I decided some months ago that it was time I stop the Houston hatin’. I am not saying that that Houston is a beautiful city by any means or the dream place to live but I started to do something I have not done in a long time – random exploring. I know, there always a chance of getting shot when wondering around large cities aimlessly, but I have started seeing the city in a different light. My new blog is www.houstonoddities.blogspot.com (it’s also on the side bar under Emm’s Houston photo blog)

Take a look. You have to see the beercan house…..tacky. Scroll to the bottom of the new blog - it was my first post but in reality should be on top.

Oh and by the way, I have this nice guest map sitting up in the right hand corner, I would like people to sign it.

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