1. Who is your man? Jared Renshaw
2. How long have you been together? Married 5 years this Sept.
3. How long dated? Two years (Jared would say it was an eternity, I just wanted to make sure it would be for eternity).
5. Who eats more? Typically Jared, although I give him a run for his money every now and then.
6. Who said "I love you" first? I did, in writing, on a back of a framed photo. I never thought he would find it, being the engineer he is, he took the frame apart that night.
7. Who is taller? Jared, by9 inches
8. Who sings better? errr. we both a couple of tune death monkeys.
9.Who is smarter? Book Smart - Jared (hello I am married to a rocket scientist) , common sense, its all me:). Jared is a thinker and a planner, I am a doer. When something breaks, by the time he has laid out all the different options of fixing it, I have a wrench and a roll of duct tape and its done. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Jared never gets things done because he is always thinking. Sometimes my fix-it projects need more planning behind them.
10. Who's temper is worse? I'm the one the slams doors and breaks things, although I have mellowed over the past few years. Jared really laid back, I have rarely seen him mad.
11.Who does the laundry? I do most of the laundry - he folds.
12. Who does the dishes? We both do the dishes (although he does not include pots and pans in his definition of dishes).
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep on the right.... and sometimes on the left.
14. Who pays the bills? Jared bring home the bacon and I pay all the bills.
15. Who weighs more? Jared weighs about 20 pounds more than I do, but I take him about my third month of pregnancy.
16.Who has longer hair? I do.
17. Who is better on the computer? Depends on the program. We are both pretty savvy.
18. Who mows the lawn? We both do, or the case of this summer, we just don't mow our lawn.
19. Who cooks dinner? Typically I do, but if I have something going on he take over.
20. Who drives when you are together? Jared does.
21. Who pays when you go out? Depends who forgot their wallet.
22. Who is most stubborn? That would be a tie, we are both the oldest sibling in our families. We both can be bullheaded.
23. Who is the first to admit when you are wrong? wrong? According to Jared he is never wrong :)
24. Whose parents do you see the most? Typically we visit both parent when we make the trek back.
25. Who kissed who first? I don't kiss and tell.
26. Who asked who out? Jared asked me out the first time around (via email, but there was a valid reason). I asked him out the second time we dated.
27. Who proposed? Jared Proposed, but only after I had called and said "I buying a dress d today, this better happen this week".
28. Who is more sensitive? Neither of us are overly emotional. Being a woman I am a bit more sensitive. But I don't cry, I just throw things.
29. Who has more friends? We have alot of mutual friends, but I am typically the social one.
30. Who has more siblings? Jared has me smacked. He is the oldest of 7. It just me and my baby brother Maxie.
So I love the first picture for a couple of reasons (1)your eyes are closed, but you still look so cute with Jared and (2) because it reminds me of my first apartment with Ben ahhhh those were the days
I am cracking up at your first picture. That is so you to post it. I love it!!! You rock!
That was cute!
Cute family picture at the end!
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