
Eye Catching

Making Amish bread (she thought it was cool how the oil, eggs and vanilla separate)

Erin has gotten into a bad habit of stealing my camera. Each time I down load photos, mysteriously there are dozens of photos of stuffed animals and shots of my house from a 3' perspective. However, I will say she does have a good eye. Most of her people shots are well centered and focused and a few of her still images are pretty good. Here is a sample of her abstract work and her favorite subject - Eliza.

Eliza favorite place to play


Tracy Anne said...

Mmmmm.... amish bread.
That last photo of the tunnel is pretty impressive. You might be raising the next Ansel Adams.

Scott and Analisa said...

what an artistic girl you have! I love the quotes of erin's along the side of your blog. Now you know her logic and judging by the pictures; her perspective! Aren't kids great!?

Jenny said...

Wow, those are pictures are really good! When Stevie takes pictures with my phone, it's usually of his fingers or, I don't know, me changing clothes or using the bathroom. (training for paparazzi?)