
Rainy Days

This is the fourth day in a row it has poured. We haven't mowed our lawn in a month and now I think we officially win the neighborhood award for the gnarleyest yard. I'm patiently waiting for the snooty letter from the homeowners assoc, but could frankly care less what the old snag with the clipboard has to say.

I am now officially 26 years old. Jared and I went out to this great little Thai restaurant and then went out to see Oceans Thirteen, which was good. It was my first experience with Thai food and I really enjoyed it, although I think it was a fairly americanized restaurant.

Still no baby. Last night Jared, Brittany and I were shopping at Sam's club the baby was extremely active. All at once I got this searing pain that made me go numb from my hip to my ankle for about 30-45 seconds. Jared starting freaking out asking if I was in labor but I think she was just hitting my sciatic nerve. It happened three or four times, talk about a crazy feeling. After that any ill thoughts I still had about labor fleeted, now I am just ready :)

Here is a new Erin clip. Erin took a nasty fall off the couch onto her head. After the sobbing and kisses she proceeded with this song....


Brenna said...

Happy Birthday! I always think of you on Flag Day:) Hope that baby comes soon....I am excited to see some pictures!

Kari said...

How was the Thai? What did you have? The sweet yellow curry? You'll have to let me know. I leave on Friday morning for the other side of the world...

Emily W said...

Erin is so cute and I am glad you had a good birthday.