

Blah, I typically don't get into the hysteria of posting hurricane updates, but seriously this is the third one this season that has been eying us. Its like we are a magnet in the long-term forecast. Thus far these massive blobs on the radar have taken their warm water gulf journey elsewhere to wreck havoc on people praying that it would hit us instead of them. That is the bad thing about hurricanes, people do everything they can to persuade these hunky storms to venture elsewhere besides their home turf. Your happy when your home is safe and dry but then there is the stark realization that your house is still standing because someone else lost everything they will spend months in the grueling process of picking up the pieces, fighting insurance companies, cleaning and rebuilding, only to wait for the next one.

At the beginning of the weekend Ike was forecasted to swing up the center of Florida. We are hoping that Ike's core get ripped apart as it crosses Cuba and his track changes. We'll be watching closely as it hits the Gulf and starts his journey state side.

My thought is when we get hit (its not a matter of if, but when, which is why I just dropped a check for $1600+ for windstorm insurance this year) it better be a storm with a good name. Now Gustav, I think was the name of the season, exotic, sexy, something you would name your baby after. Ike is something that would see on a political button.

On the bright side, we have seen our first sign of fall. The last few days have been beautiful. we are seeing temperatures in the mid 70's for the overnight hours. I never through I would call 80 degrees jean weather :)


Jenny said...

Umm...starting to get nervous here. Do we really have to get the heck outta Dodge this time?

scottie said...

yes, how about a name like quique? or diego? or scott?