
Project 6 & 9....Expansion across and up!

I have spend the last few weeks out prepping the yard, spring is here (and almost gone!). Some of our good friends were taking out their garden and returning their yard to sod and had several loads of excellent soil, free for the taking. So after several van loads (yes I use my Kia Sedona just like a 1/2 ton truck) I was able to expand my plot by several feet! I also decided to box it in this year. After pricing out materials, I decided just to go with non-treated pine ($25.00). It will probably only last about three years, but I was not ready to spend $100 plus of concrete blocks and didn't want treated lumber encasing what I eat.
I also wanted to build up this year. I started using my fence as a trellis for green beans and last fall we cleaned out the boy scout shed at church. They had a bunch of old 2x4's that were warped and going to the trash so I grabbed a few to make a trellis.
I planted tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cucumbers, squash and cantaloupe (front yard) and peas. The trellis is for cucumbers and squash. Everything is in a growing and I am excited!

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