
Happy Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day to both Big “E” and Larry Dean from the three of us. Time moves quickly. We love you and miss you!

Every now and then, the diesel fumes from the traffic will cross with the weekly mow schedule of a suburban neighborhood and the combining smells triggers the memory of Dad packing my blanket and a snack and loading me in the old case tractor cab. For hours, I sat on that old metal floor coloring and napping as he planted spring crops and mowed summer hay. That innocence of childhood only seems like only a moment ago; then I realize I can begin to count the decades and watch the generations progress.

Big " E" & Emm - 1983

Big "E" and Emm 2005

Jared ~ 1983

Father’s Day is now not only for my father but also for my husband. Jared and Erin make me laugh together. They are pretty buddy buddy, she is Daddy’s little girl and loves him dearly. I know everyone say she looks like me, but looking at Jared childhood photos I see a lot of resemblance.


me said...

is the top pic at backbone? aw. ;)

Emm said...

We went to oregon one year to visit family. I love my Dad, he's so retro in this photo.