

So I really haven’t updated any specifics lately. I got a minute this afternoon so I will fill you in on the semi-exciting life of the Renshaws.

June has been crazy. I turned 25 years old a few weeks ago and got the long awaited discount on car insurance. Jared bought me a power sander (don’t worry I asked for it, he’s not in the dog house because I got a power tool for my birthday).

We locked in our mortgage rates for the house, the rates jumped a quarter point right before we locked in, but that’s life. We could not lock prior to sixty day before closing; therefore we had no control over the situation and no reason to fret. Now all we need to do is decide on insurance carrier and we are ready to close.

We just purchased our first thing for the new house – a 5 hp 12-gallon wet/dry vac – good deal at the HD. Our two new hangouts are Home Depot and Lowes. It is a bit ironic because we both dreaded the “do-it-yourself” stores when we were little. Our parents would drag us in and spend hours looking at faucet fixtures and garden hoses while we almost died of boredom. Now we get to pass that wonderful childhood memory onto Erin.

Britt, Jared’s sister visited us for a week. We had a good time, just tooled around the city and hung out. The photos are from the Children Museum of Houston. She babysat a lot for us, which was nice to have some alone time. Her boyfriend from Dallas also came down and stayed a few days.

Erin is wild as ever. She is now talking up a storm, but mainly all I hear is a constant round of “puppy”, “kitty” “cow” and “baby” – her four favorite things. She has been obsessed with cows since our trip to Iowa and cow finally earned a ride in a bleach laundry load today – he had been through much trauma.

I just finished the greeting card line I have been working on for last past three months. They were going to print 100 and start locally, but the print quality was poor so they are printing 12,000 initially. The proof should be in by tomorrow and then the printing starts.
They are still building the website, but check it out http://www.angeltalk.com/ I’ll list it on my side bar also. That leaves an opening so I am looking for a new design gig although I am not too serious, July is a busy month and I still have some projects going on.
That’s about all!

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