
Rain Rain Go Away.....

Just to let you know we are fine. We live on the second floor and and our area did not flood, although we recieved between 6-8 inches of rain in under four hours. The bayous are full and we are looking at another 2-5 inches tonight. They are comparing this to T. S. Allision. I guess its just a warm welcome into hurricane season :)

Besides that we worked out financing for our house today and we were happy with it. We can't lock in our rate until 60 day prior to closing, which is in about 10 days, so lets hope rates steady a bit...keep your fingers crossed. Now we just need to find insurance and we are set.


One Artist a Day said...

Your getting lazy with your postings. I'm hungry for more! I've had enough of your "i'm to busy for my blog friends" attitude. ;)

Emm said...

I know, I know, but if I only post once a week my life looks way more exciting :)

One Artist a Day said...

ok, i guess