
Jam Overload....

Kallie and I successfully canned 24 pints of strawberry jam from our strawberry picking outing a few days before. It was our first jam canning venture since our childhoods and we managed not to burn down the kitchen. We had a really good time. I finally figured it out on the last 4 pints, replace a cup of fresh strawberries with frozen raspberries and it was perfect. I found a recipe that does not use pectin and uses almost half of the sugar called for in the pectin recipes. I also made some jalapeƱo freezer jam. Now we have enough jam for a year.


Carina Olsen said...

Yummy! Sounds like you guys had a great time.

Jenny said...

Here's a question: what's the difference3 between freezer jam and regular jam?

Emm said...

freezer jam you don't have to cook or seal in jars. Its faster to make, but does not last as long and has to stay in the freezer.

Regular jam you cook and water bath to seal. Depends on personal preference which tastes better, canned jam is hurricane proof :)