
An early weekend, not by choice….

Ah life is good. I put in 11 hours of freelance work in this week, which will be a nice little chunk of change and one step closer towards buying a house, which hopefully will finally materialize this summer. The whole freelance thing is working out well; it’s a good balance of home and work. I take the projects I want and leave the nasty ones. No cubical, no commute, and if I really don’t want to talk to the project manager and I let the call go to my voice mail.

Its been a pretty crazy week, but its ending early. I got a notice a few days ago that they are fumigating out apartment building tomorrow. We had some really nasty neighbors that just moved out. We’ve had a roach problem for almost a year on account of them. The roaches are so vile and now they are big enough they could carry my kid away! For your northern folk, I would much rather have the ladybugs than roaches, at least they look pretty. So today I am busy emptying my kitchen and bathroom from ceiling to floor and attempting to find room for everything in our bedroom so they can spray. They are kicking us out all day. And then Saturday we get to wash everything and reload the cupboards and drawers. It’s a long process and a deep spring clean, I was not planning on, but if it solves the problem I am more than happy to comply.

Tuesday night we made homemade ice-cream for the first time in years. We borrowed a ice-cream maker from someone, who laughed as she dug it out of her attic. The box is a hoot – so 1970 fantastic! Its purple & pink stripped and has these hippie kids making icecream. And what’s even funnier is the brand is Norelco. Make you wonder how a company goes from kitchen gadgets to razors. I guess the same way the Nestle bought out Purina and now makes chocolate and dog food. But the ice cream was great (Jared grandma’s recipe), I am in the process to see if making your own if cost effective.

Well Erin and I are going out for a swim, since its almost 90 today….


Tracy Anne said...

Oooh, 90! I can feel the warmth from here. Well, not really. It won't even break 60 here today.

scottie said...

hi em!!! i just found your blog address on shannon's page. i didn't know this existed... but now that i do i'm eager to keep reading!