
New growth

Spring had finally spring, even though it been about 75 degrees for the last month. My mom brought me some lilies from Iowa in the fall and I ran out of room so I threw this one on the corner of the house. They all died except this one and it bloomed yesterday.

Erin was so excited and said it was very pretty. I told her not to pick it or it would die and she said she understood. Five minutes later she walked into the house with it. Jared told her it made mom very sad and now no one could enjoy the pretty flower.

A while later we went into the back yard and Erin had carefully set the bloom back on the top of the stem and exclaimed "look mommie, I fixed it"! We were just cracking up, sometimes they make you so mad, but then they are too sweet.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Aw man! Kids'll be like that. By the way, I love the color effects on the second photo...how do you do that?