
Deep Freezes and Cable Internet

I woke up Saturday morning to the news saying there was a possibility of a “deep freeze” Saturday night. The result made me chuckle, it dropped down in the low 30’s for a few hours. Not exactly what I would consider a deep-freeze, but around here thats cold.

We finally upgraded to cable Internet this week and it is sooooo nice. We were still on dial-up and it was a pain to download drawings I work on. Now we feel back in the technology loop.

Erin had her 15-month well-check this week. She now weighs 20 ¼ pounds and is 29 inches long. That puts her in the 10-20% for weight and 75% for heights, so when averaged she is a normal. She had some shots and she is such a drama-queen – wails for 30 seconds and then acts like it never happened. Her doctor was really happy with her development and growth and her heart sounds good. We go in for her major cardiology visit in March, but according to her growth and development she is heart healthy and sturdy.

Saturday we helped some friends lay a floating wood floor. They have been working on it for months (not hard, but a tedious process). We spend most of the day with them working and hanging out, which worked out perfectly because our car was in the shop all day. We were due for a tune up and new spark plugs. $300.00 later its back in great shape and I am about ready to buy a bicycle.

Today we went to church and Erin started nursery. They usually don’t let kids start until eighteen months, but Erin is socially apt and to be frank, we were ready for her to start. She had an excellent time and did not even notice we were gone. She is a lot smaller than most of the kids, but she came home with two eyeballs and all extremities so she stood her ground.

I think tomorrow Melissa and I are taking the girls to the Children’s Museum in downtown Houston since its Presidents Days.

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