
Still a Boy!

** This is a FOOT, not something else, people get your mind out of the gutter!

People keep asking us if we are keeping the name under wraps for a big surprise, the reality is we have yet to decide. I still like Zenock (zek), Jared thinks its going to get him beat up. Jared likes Jordan, but I think its too feminine these days...and he is going to get beat up. The fact of the matter is, based on parental genetics the kid is going to be small (mom) and smart (dad) and we could probably name him Mike and he would get beat up....So far no luck with names.

I had my second part of a Level II anatomy and echo ultrasound last week and we are happy to say our boy is 1. still a boy and 2. Officially Congenital Heart Disease free (as far as they can tell)! Everything looks great and he is about 1.5 pounds, has monstrous feet (like both of our girls) and is incredibly active (also like our other two monkeys).

I love the scan of his heart, picture perfect. Although the anxiety of having another heart baby declined after Eliza was born heart healthy its still weighs on my mind, a clear scan helps me relax and try to enjoy pregnancy….at least a bit :)


Amber said...

OK... so is that what I think it is??? Or just your thumb that got in the way of the ultrasound. lol & If it is... HOLY CRAP! This kid will absolutely NOT be beaten up!! Even if you name him something like 'Pappoo.' LOL So excited to live vicariously through you!

Jenny said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your conversation makes so much sense now.